Photos from the Interactive Session are now posted.
The Interactive Session will be a venue for graduate students to present posters/videos and biomedical technology companies to highlight control and modeling technology in their latest instruments and analyses. Applications for posters are now closed.
Printable file of Interactive Session Abstracts: pdf.
List of Titles:
A hidden Markov model and analytic spatial filter for enhanced information transfer rates in EEG-based brain-computer interfaces, Martin McCormick, Rui Ma, Todd Coleman
A Portable-Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis for rehabilitation, Alex Shorter
A Universal Computational Method for Pulse Sequence Design , Justin Ruths
Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Differentiation, Sarah Noble
Anatomical Landmark Based Analysis of the Corpus Callosum Abnormalities in Essential Autism, Qing He
Assessing spatiotemporally complex and coupled gait patterns using temporal cross-correlation, Kiwon Park
Automatic Recognition of Apoptosis in Cancer Cell Image, Liu Hailing
Brat-mediated bi-stability and cell-competition autoregulate stem cell number in the Drosophila germarium, Michael Pargett
Constrained Kalman Filtering for IMRT Planning, Isuru Dasanayake
Contribution of passive properties of muscle-tendon units to the metacarpophalangeal joint torque of the index finger , Pei-Hsin Kuo
Encoding and Decoding Finger and Wrist Movements from M1 Neurons in 1 Primate using Point Process Models, Liang-hui Chu
Evolutionary Game Theoretical Approach for Controlled Drug Delivery, Theory and Experimental Results, Jing Wu
Image Driven Modeling of Neuromuscular Control of Speech, Thomas Paine
Integrative systems modeling identifies novel drug targets for Tuberculosis, Sriram Chandrasekaran
L1 Adaptive Methods for Control of Patient Response to Anesthesia , Matthew Ralph
Learning-Reasoning Lattices in Telehealth, Stanley Jointer II, Dr. Lakshman Tamil, Dr. Gopal Gupta
Modeling and Control of A Pneumatic Power Ankle Foot Orthosis, Yifan Li
Modeling and Simulation of Intravascular Drug Delivery from a Drug-Eluting Stent , Xiaoxiang Zhu
Modeling Mitochondrial Permeability Transition at the Mitochondrial Population Bioenegetics Level, Jason Bazil
Modeling of Cellular Differentiation upon Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Serena Pearce
Noninvasive Brain Imaging of Awake and Anesthetized Songbirds Hearing Natural Stimulus, James V. Lee, Edward L. Maclin, Gabriele Gratton, Monica Fabiani, and David F. Clayton
Point Process Modeling of Cortical Spiking Activity in Normal and MPTP Primates during Deep Brain Stimulation, Sabato Santiniello
Point Process Models show Temporal Dependencies of Basal Ganglia Nuclei under Deep Brain Stimulation , Shreya Saxena
Quantitative Ultrasound for Monitoring and Assessment of Thermal Therapy, Jeremy Kemmerer, Goutam Goushal, William Ridgway
Real-time Heart Model for Implantable Cardiac Device Validation and Verification, Zhihao Jiang
Remote Teleoperation of an Unmanned Aircraft with a Brain-Machine Interface, Abdullah Akce, Miles Johnson, Or Dantsker, Timothy Bretl
Restoring the Basal Ganglia in Parkinson's Disease to Normal via Multi Input Phase shifted Deep Brain Stimulation, Rahul Agarwal
Unmatched muscle power, mapping physiological control to virtual world physics: Bradly Alicea
Using Point Process Models to Describe the Cortico-Striatal and Pallido-Striatal Dependencies in Healthy Primates, Sabato Santiniello