A block of rooms have been reserved at the Holiday Inn Urbana for individual booking. This hotel is 1.4 miles from the Beckman Institute, but a shuttle service will be provided for the symposium. Please follow this link to book a room at the conference rate before March 26, 2010.
If you would prefer to be closer to the Beckman Institute, the Hampton Inn is directly across the street and the Illini Union hotel is about a 5 minute walk on campus (north campus map). The official Beckman Institute lodging page has complete details on these hotels and others nearby.
Please see the Beckman Institute's directions page for information on air travel, ground travel, and parking.
The annual Roger Ebert's Film Festival will be taking place April 21-25 at the historic Virginia Theatre in the downtown Champaign district. Tickets for individual screenings will go on sale April 5 (full passes are already sold out, so buy individual tickets early).